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Always Delicious at  The New Bake

Fresh, innovative and exciting - the recipes created by The New Bake are the perfect solution for every culinary need. Check out the mouth-watering recipes below and get in touch to build your dream menu today. Dessert Recipe's available at Foxes Patisserie and Co. on  

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Herbs and Spices

A Daily Spice
for everyone

Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavouring additive in a wide variety of cuisines, sweet and savory dishes, breakfast cereals, snack foods, tea and traditional foods.

10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon

  • Cinnamon is High in a substance with Powerful Medicinal Properties.

  • Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants.

  • Cinnamon Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties.

  • Cinnamon May Cut the risk of Heart Disease

  • Cinnamon Can improve Sensitivity to the Hormone Insulin.

  • Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect.

  • Cinnamon May Have Beneficial effects on Neurodegenerative Diseases.

  • Cinnamon may protect against cancer.

  • Cinnamon Helps Fight Bacterial and Fungal Infections.

Dried Herbs
Fresh Everyday

Getting every herb your heart desires, fresh and in ever growing choices, hit the bulk section of the grocery store.  HEB, Whole Foods, Central Market.  You can purchase 0.035 Net Wt. of Herbs de Provence for $0.40  (cents).  That's about 4 tablespoons of dried Herbs de Provence at the HEB.  This would season 2 turkeys and 1 or 2 roasting hens.  Buying our dried herbs and spices this way gives us a tremendous variety of spices at our fingertips in our kitchen and will keep it economical, no waste of throwing out bottles of spices that aren't used as often.



An Hearth Of Breads

     Bread is one of the most ancient forms of prepared foods by human groups.  Throughout history, especially after the industrialization of bread making it has taken a few hits from the health and wellness community most recently by the low-carb diet and then the gluten-free trend.  However, bread is still a staple food in diverse territories, like in the United Kingdom, the United States and Ethiopia, remaining close to the hearts of many.

     Despite the rumours that present bread is evil, people don't want to give up their "villainous bread".  And you don't have to either.  It is possible to live a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet that includes bread.

     To begin with, we all know that generalizing is a bad habit.  There are so many types of bread around the world.  Even though most of them are made from flour, water and yeast, ingredients and cooking methods are plentiful and vary from one place to another.  For example, bread can be made from wheat, chickpeas or potatoes.  What is more, bread making is a tradition so highly regarded in France that it is protected by a legislative decree and Paris hosts the most prestigious bakery contest on the planet: The Coupe du Monde de Boulangerie [1] (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftn1). (The World Bakery Cup).  If bread is the enemy, why would a nation protect it and celebrate it with an international competition?  

     Secondly, a single loaf of bread is the result of the knowledge, experience, and dedicated work of three valuable individuals:  the farmer, the miller, and the baker.  Their input directly affects the end product.  Hence, it is important to consider all these factors and  starting with the kind of crop: is it a cereal grain, root vegetable or legume?  What seed variety is it?  How was it grown?  Then, pay attention to the way it was milled.  For example, in order to produce whole meal wheat flour the entire kernel is ground, whereas the bran and germ is removed during the production of white flour and lastly what cooking method and oven were used?

     The bottom line is that some kinds of bread are nutritious and can actually be good for your health.  Apart from being convenient, delicious, versatile, and comforting!  So let's look into what are the health benefits of eating bread!

1. Fiber Punch

     Breads made from whole wheat flour, whole grains, seeds, or nuts are packed with dietary fiber; including those whose dough has been artificially added with "functional fibers [2] (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftn2)" such as guar gum [3] (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftn3), inulin, and wheat bran.  Dietary fiber constitutes the indigestible plant parts that increase stool bulk, promote regular bowel movements, and support waste elimination.  It regulates blood sugar levels, nourishes beneficial gut microflora, and keeps you satiated for longer periods of time.  It's consumption has been linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, overweight, obesity, and gastrointestinal disorders. [4] (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftn4).

2. Pro-Biotic Properties

     Breads high in dietary fiber exert a prebiotic effect [5] encouraging the growth and performance of friendly bacteria colonies in the gut.  The intestinal microflora has been intensely studied because changes in gut microbiota composition have been related to essential bodily functions in the host such as immunity, satiety regulation, and body weight gain, amongst others. [6] Feeding your beneficial gut microflora can help you to shed some pounds off and improve your mood and sleep!

     In addition, when resistant starch found in starchy fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains is decomposed by the gut flora and short-chain fatty acids are produced, fighting inflammation and strengthening the immune response. [7] Whole grain breads containing fruits are a good combo in this instance.

3. Fuel For Longer Energy

     Whole grains and legumes contain complex carbohydrates [8].  Breads derived from either of these make for an abundant supply of readily available energy, which translates into a steady flow of glucose into the blood.  This fact is important for professional athletes or individuals who are preparing their bodies for any physical activity that requires endurance.

     According to the Cleveland Clinic [9], complex carbohydrates stimulate serotonin production and if you eliminate complex carbohydrates  entirely from your diet you can become really cranky.  Doctor Amy Jamieson-Petonic, registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic, recommends eating every three to four hours and including complex carbs each time (to feel energized and happy).

4.  Folic Acid Boost:

     Fortification is a safe practice where essential vitamins and minerals are added to staple foods such as bread and wheat flour.  Many kinds of bread, white bread included, have been fortified with iron, calcium, and some B vitamins .  Particularly, in the United States mandatory folic acid fortification of cereal grain products such as refined wheat flour has been established to reduce a woman's risk of having a baby affected by Spina bifida or other neural tube birth defects.[11]  It is estimated that this measure has saved more than  1,300 from neural tube birth defects on a yearly basis.[12}


5.   Fight Cancer


     The American Institute for Cancer Research[13] includes whole wheat bread and whole grains within the AICR's Foods That Fight Cancer[14] list, published on their site.  After years of study they've found that dietary fiber and phytochemicals in whole grains hold anti-cancer properties.

     Finally, just remember that the recommended amount of grains for an adult, in the Healthy Style eating Pattern[15] set by the U.S. government, is 6 servings per day of which at least half should be whole grains.


Sites 1-4 contained within article.

  [1]  https//



  [3] (applewebdata://ADC://

  [4] (applewebdata://ADC2ECE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftnref4) 

Site 5-15 contained below.

  [5] (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftnref5)

  [6] (applewedata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftnref6)

  [7]  (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftnref7)

  [8]  (applewebdata://ADC2E-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftnef8)

  [9]  (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftrnef9)

  [10]  (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftrnef10)

  [11]  (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A95-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#_ftnef11)

  [12]  (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A96B5--40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#ftnef12)

  [13} (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A96B5-40E1-96B5- B44267ED7913#ftnef13)

  [14]  (applewebdata://ADC2E2CE-8A96B5-40E1-96B5-B44267ED7913#ftnef14)

  [15]  (


Vegan Sandwich
Stephanie Tonini, food art photographer.


The New

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. THE NEW BAKE serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.


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